Source code for py_losc.py_losc

import numpy as np
from py_losc import py_losc_core as core
from typing import List

# ==> Interface for LOSC curvature matrix <==

def _convert_mat(m, order='C'):
    Convert input np.array into the specified order.

    m: np.array
        The array to convert.
    order: str, choices = ['C', 'F'], default to 'C'.
        'C': C-style row major order.
        'F': Fortran-style column major order.

    out: np.array
        The array with storage order equaling to `order`.
    if order == 'C':
        return np.ascontiguousarray(m)
    elif order == 'F':
        return np.asfortranarray(m)
        raise Exception(f'Unknown storage order: {order}')

[docs]class DFAInfo(core.DFAInfo): """The information of a density functional approximation. """
[docs] def __init__(self, gga_x, hf_x, name=''): """ Constructor of DFAInfo class that represents a DFA. Parameters ---------- name : str The description of the DFA. Default to an empty string. hf_x : float The weight of HF exchange in the DFA. gga_x : float The total weights of ALL GGA and LDA type exchange in the DFA. Examples -------- B3LYP functional is .. math:: E^{\\rm{B3LYP}}_{\\rm{xc}} = E^{\\rm{LDA}}_{\\rm{x}} + a_0 (E^{\\rm{HF}}_{\\rm{x}} - E^{\\rm{LDA}}_{\\rm{x}}) + a_x (E^{\\rm{GGA}}_{\\rm{x}} - E^{\\rm{LDA}}_{\\rm{x}}) + E^{\\rm{LDA}}_{\\rm{c}} + a_c (E^{\\rm{GGA}}_{\\rm{c}} - E^{\\rm{LDA}}_{\\rm{c}}), in which exchanges end with suffix ``_x`` and correlations end with suffix ``_c``, :math:`a_0=0.20`, :math:`a_x=0.72` and :math:`a_c=0.81`. **Only the exchanges are considered and the correlations are ignored. The GGA and LDA exchanges are viewed the same type.** Therefore, the total weights of GGA and LDA exchanges are :math:`1 - a_0 + a_x \\times (1 - 1) = 1 - a_0 = 0.80`, and the total weights of HF exchanges is :math:`a_0 = 0.20`. To construct a ``DFAInfo`` object for B3LYP functional, one should do the following .. code-block:: python >>> b3lyp = DFAInfo(0.80, 0.20, "B3LYP") """ core.DFAInfo.__init__(self, gga_x, hf_x, name)
def __repr__(self): "Representation of DFAInfo object." return ("<py_losc.DFAInfo> object: {" f"name: {None if == '' else}, " f"gga_x: {self.gga_x()}, " f"hf_x: {self.hf_x()}" "}")
[docs]class CurvatureV1(core.CurvatureV1): """LOSC curvature matrix version 1. References ---------- Eq. 10 in the original LOSC paper """
[docs] def __init__(self, dfa_info: DFAInfo, df_pii: np.ndarray, df_vpq_inv: np.ndarray, grid_lo: np.ndarray, grid_weight: np.ndarray): """ Constructor of LOSC curvature version1. Parameters ---------- dfa_info : DFAInfo The information for the DFA. df_pii : numpy.array The three-center integral :math:`\langle p | ii \\rangle` used in density fitting, in which index `p` refers to the = fitting basis and index `i` refers to the LO. The dimension of `df_pii` is [nfitbasis, nlo]. df_Vpq_inv : numpy.array The inverse of integral matrix :math:`\langle p | 1/\mathbf{r} | q \\rangle` used in density fitting, in which indices `p` and `q` refer to the fitting basis. The dimension of `df_Vpq_inv` is [nfitbasis, nfitbasis]. grid_lo : numpy.array The LOs values on grid points. The dimension of `grid_lo` is [npts, nlo]. grid_weight : numpy.array The weights for numerical integral over grid points. The dimension of `grid_lo` is [npts, ]. See Also -------- DFAInfo LocalizerV2 """ # Pybind11 has to call the base.__init__() explicitly, instead of # using super().__init__() to initialize the base class. self._df_pii = _convert_mat(df_pii) self._df_vpq_inv = _convert_mat(df_vpq_inv) self._grid_lo = _convert_mat(grid_lo) self._grid_wt = _convert_mat(grid_weight) core.CurvatureV1.__init__(self, dfa_info, self._df_pii, self._df_vpq_inv, self._grid_lo, self._grid_wt)
[docs]class CurvatureV2(core.CurvatureV2): """LOSC curvature matrix version 2. References ---------- Eq. 8 in the LOSC2 paper (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 4, 1528-1535). """ # @_np2eigen
[docs] def __init__(self, dfa_info: core.DFAInfo, df_pii: np.ndarray, df_vpq_inv: np.ndarray, grid_lo: np.ndarray, grid_weight: np.ndarray): """ Curvature version 2 class constructor. See Also -------- CurvatureV1, LocalizerV2 Notes ----- Same interface for input parameters as `CurvatureV1.__init__`. """ self._df_pii = _convert_mat(df_pii) self._df_vpq_inv = _convert_mat(df_vpq_inv) self._grid_lo = _convert_mat(grid_lo) self._grid_wt = _convert_mat(grid_weight) core.CurvatureV2.__init__(self, dfa_info, self._df_pii, self._df_vpq_inv, self._grid_lo, self._grid_wt)
# ==> Interface for LOSC localization <==
[docs]class LocalizerV2(core.LocalizerV2): """LOSC localization version 2. References ---------- Eq. 7 in the LOSC2 paper (J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 4, 1528-1535). """
[docs] def __init__(self, C_lo_basis: np.ndarray, H_ao: np.ndarray, D_ao: List[np.ndarray]): """ Constructor of LOSC localizerV2. Parameters ---------- C_lo_basis : numpy.array The coefficient matrix of LO basis that is expanded under AO with dimension [nbasis, nlo]. ``C_lo_basis[:, i]`` is the coefficient of the i-th LO basis. The LO basis refers to a set of MOs that will be unitary transformed to be the LOs. The basis is usually being the COs from the associated DFA. H_ao : numpy.array The Hamiltonian matrix under AO representation for the associated DFA. The dimension is [nbasis, nbasis]. D_ao : list of numpy.array The dipole matrix under AO representation for x, y and z directions. """ self._C_lo_basis = _convert_mat(C_lo_basis) self._H_ao = _convert_mat(H_ao) self._D_ao = [_convert_mat(x) for x in D_ao] core.LocalizerV2.__init__( self, self._C_lo_basis, self._H_ao, self._D_ao)