

Currently, the library can only be used in linux platform.

Dependencies and tools

  • To build the C++/C parts of the LOSC library, following tools and dependencies are necessary:

  • For the Python parts of the LOSC library, namely the py_losc and psi4_losc modules, there is no need to compile. However, following dependencies are needed at the running time:

  • There is no need to build the documentation by yourself. You can find the online documentation. However, if you insist to generate the documentation that is corresponding to your local version of the source code, you need the following dependencies and tools:

    • sphinx: python documentation generator.

    • doxygen: C/C++ documentation generator.

Compile from the source code

  1. you can obtain the source code from the github repository via git clone:

    >>> git clone

    Doing so requires you to have git installed in your system. If you do not have access to git, you can download the archive of the source code from the the github repository, and extract the source manually.

  2. Navigate to the top level directory of the source code {top-level-losc-dir}. It is suggested to separate the building files to the source files with creating a build directory {build_dir}. Then run cmake to configure the building process.

    >>> cd {top-level-losc-dir}
    >>> mkdir {build_dir}
    >>> cd {build_dir}
    >>> cmake {top-level-losc-dir}

    You can configure cmake with following options:

    • DCMAKE_C_COMPILER: The executable path for C compiler

    • DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: The executable path for C++ compiler

    • DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: The prefix path for installing the library. Default to /usr/local.

    • DOPENMP: Enable openmp for parallel threading or not. Default to on.

    • DBUILD_TEST: Build the test or not. Default to off.

    • DBUILD_DOC: Build the documentation or not. Default to off.

  3. Invoke make to build and install.

    >>> make
    >>> make install # installing is optional.

    or invoke``make`` in parallel with multiple processors.

    >>> make -j {number-of-processors}

    If all you need is the C/C++ parts of the LOSC library, you are okay to stop here. If you want to use the Python interface or the LOSC library in psi4, please continue.

  4. Configure running time for Python modules (py_losc and psi4_losc).

    Append the path of py_losc and psi4_losc module to the PYTHONPATH environment variable in your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file. This is to enable the Python interpreter to locate py_losc and psi4_losc modules and import them successfully at running time.

    If you installed the LOSC library:


    If you only build the LOSC library and not install it:

    export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:{build_dir}/src
  5. Running tests to verify the compilation/installing is optional.

    • To run tests for losc C++ library, remember to build tests for losc first with DBUILD_TEST=On. Then run the executable losc test file.

      >>> {build_dir}/tests/losc/losc_test
    • To run tests for psi4_losc Python module, do the following.

      >>> cd {top-level-losc-dir}/tests/psi4_losc
      >>> python3 -m unittest  --verbose
    • There are no tests for py_losc Python module.

Uninstall the LOSC library

To uninstall the LOSC library, remove the whole installed directory of LOSC.

>>> rm {DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/liblosc