Source code for psi4_losc.scf

"""Extended SCF procedure built on psi4 package to perform SCF-DFA and
SCF-LOSC-DFA calculations with compabilities for fractional systems.

import psi4
import numpy as np
import py_losc
from psi4_losc.psi4_losc import post_scf_losc
from psi4_losc import utils
from psi4_losc import diis
from psi4_losc import jk
from qcelemental import constants

def _scf(name, guess_wfn=None, losc_ref_wfn=None, curvature=None, C_lo=None,
         dfa_info=None, occ={}, verbose=1, orbital_energy_unit='eV'):
    """Perform the SCF (normal SCF-DFA or SCF-LOSC-DFA) calculation for general

    name : str
        The name of the DFT functional or HF method. The style is the same as
        `` function.
    guess_wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF, default=None.
        The wfn used to set the initial guess of the SCF calculation. This is
        equivalent to copy guess_wfn.C (coefficient matrix) and guess_wfn.D
        (density matrix) to the scf wavefunction object to initialize the SCF
        calculation. Note: (1) setting this variable will ignore the psi4
        guess setting; (2) if you use this variable, make sure you are
        passing a reasonable guess wfn to the function. This function does not
        check the validity the input.
    losc_ref_wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF, default=None.
        The wfn used to do SCF-LOSC (frozen-LO) calculation. This variable is
        the flag to trigger SCF-LOSC (frozen-LO) calculation.
    curvature : [np.array, ...]
        The LOSC curvature matrix.
    C_lo : [np.array, ...]
        The LOSC LO coefficient matrix.
    dfa_info : py_losc.DFAInfo, default=None.
        DFA information of the weights of exchanges.
    occ : dict, default to an empty dict.
        A dictionary that specifies the customized occupation number. This
        variable will be ignored and overwrite as `losc_ref_wfn.losc_data['occ']`
        if the `losc_ref_wfn` is provided.
    verbose : int, default=1
        print level to the psi4 output file.

        - 0 means print nothing.
        - 1 means normal print level.
        - A larger number means more details.

    wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF
        The SCF wavefunction.

        - Following members in the returned wfn object are updated:

            - wfn.S(): AO overlap matrix.
            - wfn.H(): Core matrix.
            - wfn.Ca(), wfn.Cb(): CO coefficient matrix.
            - wfn.Fa(), wfn.Fb(): Fock matrix.
            - wfn.Da(), wfn.Db(): density matrix.
            - wfn.Va(), wfn.Vb(): DFA (just the DFA, if it is LOSC-DFA) Vxc
            - wfn.epsilon_a(), wfn.epsilon_b(): orbital energies.
            - total energy.

        - Other members are not touched. Accessing and using other members
          in the returned wfn may be a undefined behavior.


    - The option settins are handled by psi4 SCF module.

    - For the updated matrices/vectors in returned wfn (such as C, D, F
      matrices), although psi4.wfn objects provide interface to interact with
      the internal data (such the interface `wfn.Fa()` that returns a shared_ptr
      to internal Fock matrix), we do not map wfn internal matrices into python
      to modify these matrices in place in python. The reason is that the
      lifetime of the internal psi4.Matrix object managed by the shared_ptr is
      hard to track in python. Take wfn.Fa matrix as example.

      # 1. Map internal Fock matrix into python. Now `F` in python refers to the
      # wfn.Fa matrix.
      F = np.asarray(wfn.Fa())

      # 2. psi4.core code internally changes the Fock matrix by doing something
      # like
      # wfn.Fa = std::make_shared(Matrix(nbf, nbf)); # this is in c++ psi4.core.

      # 3. Now `F` in python no longer refers to `wfn.Fa()`, since wfn.Fa is
      # updated.

      Because of this issue, all the matrices those will be used to update wfn
      are allocated and managed in python. I know this doubles the memory cost
      (same matrix, such as Fock matrix, is allocated in both python and
      psi4.core), but this makes the logic clearer and less chances to have bug.
      At the return, the python matrix will be copied into wfn through the
      interface. I know we don't like copy, but this is the price we have to
    def update_C(occ_idx, occ_val, Cin, C, Cocc, D):
        Update C, Cocc and D matrices.
        C[:] = Cin
        Cocc[:] = Cin[:, occ_idx]
        D[:] = np.einsum('i,ui,vi->uv', np.asarray(occ_val), Cocc, Cocc,

    optstash = psi4.driver.p4util.OptionsState(
        ['SCF', 'REFERENCE'],
        ['SCF', 'PRINT'])

    local_print = utils.init_local_print(verbose)

    # If we do DFT, we the reference should be either 'rks' or 'uks'.
    # Using 'rhf` or `uhf` for DFT calculation will lead to error in
    # psi4.core.HF constructor.
    is_hf = True
    if name.upper() not in ['HF', 'SCF']:
        is_hf = False
        reference = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE')
        if reference == 'RHF':
            psi4.core.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'RKS')
        elif reference == 'UHF':
            psi4.core.set_local_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE', 'UKS')

    mol = psi4.core.get_active_molecule()
    # print out molecule information
    if verbose >= 1:

    # ==> Sanity checks <==
    # TODO:
    # Currenty only support c1 symmetry.
    if mol.schoenflies_symbol() != 'c1':
        raise Exception('Current SCF code only supports C1 symmetry')

    if orbital_energy_unit not in ['eV', 'au']:
        raise Exception(
            'Invalid input for "orbital_energy_unit". Choices are ["eV", "au"].')

    if losc_ref_wfn:
        if not dfa_info:
            raise Exception("SCF-LOSC miss argument: dfa_info.")
        if not curvature:
            raise Exception("SCF-LOSC miss argument: curvature.")
        if not C_lo:
            raise Exception("SCF-LOSC miss argument: C_lo.")

    if losc_ref_wfn:
        local_print(1, "---------------------------------------")
        local_print(1, "          SCF-LOSC (frozen-LO)")
        local_print(1, "             by Yuncai Mei")
        local_print(1, "---------------------------------------")
        local_print(1, "---------------------------------------")
        local_print(1, "                  SCF")
        local_print(1, "             by Yuncai Mei")
        local_print(1, "---------------------------------------")

    # Get psi4 settings
    maxiter = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'MAXITER')
    E_conv = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'E_CONVERGENCE')
    D_conv = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'D_CONVERGENCE')
    reference = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE')
    is_diis_rms = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'DIIS_RMS_ERROR')
    is_dfjk = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'SCF_TYPE').endswith('DF')
    basis = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'BASIS')
    local_print(1, '\n==> SCF settings <==')
    local_print(1, f'Reference: {reference}')
    local_print(1, f'Basis set: {basis}')
    local_print(1, f'MaxIter: {maxiter}')
    local_print(1, f'Energy convergence: {E_conv}')
    local_print(1, f'Density matrix convergence: {D_conv}\n')

    is_rks = True if reference == 'RKS' else False
    nspin = 1 if is_rks else 2

    # Build an SCF wavefunction with the corresponding DFT functional.
    optstash = psi4.driver.p4util.OptionsState(
        ['SCF', 'PRINT'])
    psi4.core.set_local_option('SCF', 'PRINT', 0)
    wfn =, basis)
    wfn = psi4.driver.scf_wavefunction_factory(name, wfn, reference)
    mintshelper = psi4.core.MintsHelper(wfn.basisset())

    supfunc = wfn.functional()
    nbf = wfn.basisset().nbf()

    # Create the occupation number, including the fractional cases.
    nocc, occ_idx, occ_val = utils.form_occ(wfn, occ)
    nelec = [sum(x) for x in occ_val]
    is_integer = utils.is_integer_system(wfn, occ)
    is_aufbau = utils.is_aufbau_system(wfn, occ)
    local_print(1, "=> Occupation Number <=")
    local_print(1, f"Is integer system: {is_integer}")
    local_print(1, f"Is aufbau occupation: {is_aufbau}")
        1, f"nelec_a: {nelec[0]} {f' ! update and differ to wfn.nalpha(): nalpha={wfn.nalpha()}.' if nelec[0] != wfn.nalpha() else ''}")
        1, f"nelec_b: {nelec[1]} {f' ! update and differ to wfn.nbeta(): nbeta={wfn.nbeta()}.' if nelec[1] != wfn.nbeta() else ''}")
    local_print(1, "")
    for s in range(nspin):
        if not is_rks:
                1, f'{"Alpha" if s == 0 else "Beta"} Occupation Number:')
            local_print(1, 'Occupation Number:')
        max_idx = -1 if not occ_idx[s] else occ_idx[s][-1]
        occ_idx_val = dict(zip(occ_idx[s], occ_val[s]))
        for i in range(max_idx+1):
            occ_val_t = occ_idx_val.get(i, 0)
            local_print(1, 'index={:<5d} occ={:<10f}'
                        .format(i, occ_val_t))
        local_print(1, "")

    # ==> Set up matrices <==
    # S, H matrix
    if guess_wfn:
        S = np.asarray(guess_wfn.S())
        H = np.asarray(guess_wfn.H())
        S = np.asarray(mintshelper.ao_overlap())
        V = np.asarray(mintshelper.ao_potential())
        if losc_ref_wfn:
            T = np.asarray(mintshelper.ao_kinetic())
            H = V + T
            H = np.array(wfn.H())
    # S^(-1/2)
    A = psi4.core.Matrix(nbf, nbf).from_array(S)
    A.power(-0.5, 1.e-16)
    A = np.asarray(A)

    # D, F, C, Cocc, eigenvalue matrices/vectors.
    D_psi = [psi4.core.Matrix(nbf, nbf) for s in range(nspin)]
    D = [np.asarray(m) for m in D_psi]
    F = [np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) for s in range(nspin)]
    C = [np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) for s in range(nspin)]
    Cocc_psi = [psi4.core.Matrix(nbf, nocc[s]) for s in range(nspin)]
    Cocc = [np.asarray(m) for m in Cocc_psi]
    eig = [np.zeros(nbf) for s in range(nspin)]
    if supfunc.needs_xc():
        Vpot = wfn.V_potential()
        Vxc_psi = [psi4.core.Matrix(nbf, nbf) for s in range(nspin)]
        Vxc = [np.asarray(m) for m in Vxc_psi]

    # Set up DIIS helper object
    diis_helper = [diis.diis() for s in range(nspin)]
    diis_error = [np.zeros((nbf, nbf)) for s in range(nspin)]

    # Set up JK builder
    if is_integer and is_aufbau:
        local_print(1, "Use psi4.JK to calculate JK matrix.")
        jk_helper = jk.JK_psi4_jk(wfn, Cocc_psi)
        # To make fractional or non-aufbau calculation available, we need to
        # transform J and K matrices based on density matrix (explicitly
        # constructed based on occupation number). psi4 JK class does not
        # provide interface to accept density matrix as input to build J and K
        # matrices. So here we only the choice to transform from AO ERI to MO
        # ERI for J and K with help of psi4.MinsHelper library.
        local_print(1, "Use psi4.MintsHelper to calculate JK matrix.")
        jk_helper = jk.JK_psi4_mints(wfn, occ_val[:nspin], Cocc[:nspin])

    # ==> Set up initial guess <==
    # Build the initial C matrix as the initial guess.
    C_guess = []
    if guess_wfn:
        # SCF for DFA: guess CO from the input guess_wfn.
        local_print(1, "Set initial guess from a reference wavefunction.")
        C_guess = [np.asarray(guess_wfn.Ca()), np.asarray(guess_wfn.Cb())]
    elif losc_ref_wfn:
        # SCF for LOSC-DFA: initial guess has to tbe losc_ref_wfn.
        local_print(1, "Set initial guess from the parent DFA wavefunction.")
        C_guess = [np.asarray(losc_ref_wfn.Ca()),
        # SCF for DFA: set guess from psi4 guess setting.
        local_print(1, "Set initial guess from psi4 setting.")
        C_guess = [np.asarray(wfn.Ca()), np.asarray(wfn.Cb())]
    # Use the initial C guess to update Cocc, C, D matrix.
    for s in range(nspin):
        update_C(occ_idx[s], occ_val[s], C_guess[s], C[s], Cocc[s], D[s])

    # ==> SCF <==
    local_print(1, '\n=> SCF iterations <=')
    local_print(1, "%s                        Total Energy        Delta E     %s |[F,P]|\n" %
                ("   " if is_dfjk else "", "RMS" if is_diis_rms else "MAX"))

    Eold = 0.0
    Enuc = wfn.molecule().nuclear_repulsion_energy()
    reference_factor = 2.0 if is_rks else 1.0
    Exc = 0.0
    energy_table = {}
    scf_status = ['DIIS']
    for SCF_ITER in range(1, maxiter + 1):
        # Build Vxc by using psi4.potential object. So we need to feed the
        # psi4.potential object with density matrix in psi4 matrix type.
        if supfunc.needs_xc():

        # Build J and K matrices.
        J = jk_helper.J()
        K = jk_helper.K()
        J_tot = 2 * J[0] if nspin == 1 else J[0] + J[1]

        # Build Fock and diis helper object.
        G = []
        E_losc = 0
        for i in range(nspin):
            # build DFA Fock matrix
            G_tmp = J_tot - supfunc.x_alpha() * K[i]
            F[i][:] = H + G_tmp
            if supfunc.needs_xc():
                F[i][:] += Vxc[i]

            # ==> !!! The LOSC contribution in SCF: begin !!! <==
            if losc_ref_wfn:
                # build LOSC local occupation matrix
                local_occ = py_losc.local_occupation(C_lo[i], S, D[i])
                # build LOSC effective Fock matrix
                H_losc = py_losc.ao_hamiltonian_correction(
                    S, C_lo[i], curvature[i], local_occ)
                F[i][:] += H_losc
                # form LOSC energy correction
                E_losc += py_losc.energy_correction(curvature[i], local_occ)
            # ==> !!! The LOSC contribution in SCF: end !!! <==

            # DIIS error build and update
            diis_error[i] = F[i].dot(D[i]).dot(S) -[i]).dot(F[i])
            diis_error[i] = (A.T).dot(diis_error[i]).dot(A)
            diis_helper[i].add(F[i], diis_error[i])

        # Calculate SCF energy.
        if supfunc.needs_xc():
            Exc = Vpot.quadrature_values()['FUNCTIONAL']
        E_J = 0
        E_K = 0
        E_H = 0
        for i in range(nspin):
            E_J += reference_factor * \
                np.einsum('pq,pq->', D[i], 0.5 * J_tot, optimize=True)
            E_K += reference_factor * \
                np.einsum('pq,pq->', D[i], -0.5 *
                          supfunc.x_alpha() * K[i], optimize=True)
            E_H += reference_factor * \
                np.einsum('pq,pq->', D[i], H, optimize=True)
        SCF_E = Enuc + E_H + E_J + E_K + Exc + E_losc
        energy_table['E_total'] = SCF_E
        energy_table['E_H'] = E_H
        energy_table['E_J'] = E_J
        energy_table['E_K'] = E_K
        energy_table['E_xc'] = Exc
        energy_table['E_G'] = E_J + E_K
        energy_table['E_hf'] = E_H + E_J + E_K
        energy_table['E_losc'] = E_losc
        energy_table['E_nuc'] = Enuc
        energy_table['E_dfa'] = Enuc + E_H + E_J + E_K + Exc

        # Print iteration steps
        D_error = 0
        if is_diis_rms:  # rms type error
            rms = [np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(m))) for m in diis_error]
            D_error = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(rms)))
        else:  # max type error
            D_error = max([np.max(np.abs(m)) for m in diis_error])
                    "   @%s%s iter %3s: %20.14f   %12.5e   %-11.5e %s" %
                    ("DF-" if is_dfjk else "", reference, SCF_ITER,
                     SCF_E, (SCF_E - Eold), D_error, '/'.join(scf_status)))

        # Check convergence
        if (abs(SCF_E - Eold) < E_conv) and (D_error < D_conv):

        # Extrapolate Fock matrices and update C, Cocc, D and eigenvalues.
        for s in range(nspin):
            # Form the extrapolated Fock matrix
            F_tmp = diis_helper[s].extrapolate()
            # Diagonalize Fock matrix and update C related variables including
            # wfn.epsilon, wfn.C, Cocc, wfn.D.
            H_tmp =
            eig[s][:], C2 = np.linalg.eigh(H_tmp)
            C_new =
            update_C(occ_idx[s], occ_val[s], C_new, C[s], Cocc[s], D[s])

        # Save scf energy
        Eold = SCF_E

        if SCF_ITER == maxiter:
            raise Exception("Maximum number of SCF cycles exceeded.")

    # print total energies
    func_type = "HF" if is_hf else "DFA"
    local_print(1, "\n=> Total Energy <=")
    local_print(1, "Nuclear potential energy: {:.10f}".format(
    local_print(1, "{:s} core energy: {:.10f}".format(
        func_type, energy_table['E_H']))
    local_print(1, "{:s} J energy: {:.10f}".format(
        func_type, energy_table['E_J']))
    local_print(1, "{:s} K energy: {:.10f}".format(
        func_type, energy_table['E_K']))
    local_print(1, "{:s} G energy: {:.10f}".format(
        func_type, energy_table['E_G']))
    if supfunc.needs_xc():
        local_print(1, "{:s} XC energy: {:.10f}".format(
            func_type, energy_table['E_xc']))
    local_print(1, "{:s} total energy: {:.10f}".format(
        func_type, energy_table['E_dfa']))
    if losc_ref_wfn:
        local_print(1, "LOSC correction energy: {:.10f}".format(
    local_print(1, "SCF total energy: {:.10f}".format(SCF_E))

    # print orbital energies
    local_print(1, "\n=> Orbital Energy <=")
    occ_idx_val = [dict(zip(occ_idx[s], occ_val[s])) for s in range(nspin)]
    nbf = wfn.basisset().nbf()
    eig_factor = 1.0 if orbital_energy_unit == 'au' else constants.hartree2ev
    for s in range(nspin):
        if not is_rks:
            local_print(1, f"{'Alpha' if s == 0 else 'Beta'} orbital energy:")
        local_print(1, "{:<5s}  {:<8s}  {:>14s}".format(
            "Index", "Occ", f"DFA ({orbital_energy_unit})"))
        for i in range(nbf):
            local_print(1, "{:<5d}  {:<8.5f}  {:>14.6f}"
                        .format(i, occ_idx_val[s].get(i, 0),
                                eig[s][i] * eig_factor))
        local_print(1, "")

    # ==> update wfn <==
    # Update energy.
    # Update matrices.
    # S: AO overlap matrix.
    # H: core matrix.
    # F: Fock matrix.
    # D: Density matrix.
    # Vxc: DFA Vxc matrix.
    # eig: orbital energy vector.
    wfn_S = np.asarray(wfn.S())
    wfn_H = np.asarray(wfn.H())
    wfn_F = [np.asarray(wfn.Fa()), np.asarray(wfn.Fb())]
    wfn_C = [np.asarray(wfn.Ca()), np.asarray(wfn.Cb())]
    wfn_D = [np.asarray(wfn.Da()), np.asarray(wfn.Db())]
    wfn_Vxc = [np.asarray(wfn.Va()), np.asarray(wfn.Vb())]
    wfn_eig = [np.asarray(wfn.epsilon_a()), np.asarray(wfn.epsilon_b())]

    wfn_S[:] = S
    wfn_H[:] = H
    for s in range(nspin):
        wfn_F[s][:] = F[s]
        wfn_D[s][:] = D[s]
        wfn_C[s][:] = C[s]
        wfn_eig[s][:] = eig[s]
        if supfunc.needs_xc():
            wfn_Vxc[s][:] = Vxc[s]

    # restore psi4 options.
    return wfn

[docs]def scf(name, guess_wfn=None, occ={}, verbose=1, orbital_energy_unit='eV'): """Perform the SCF calculation for a conventional DFA. It supports the systems with fractional occupations. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the psi4 superfunctional, including DFT functional or HF method. The style is the same as `` function. guess_wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF, default=None. The wavefunction used to set the initial guess of the SCF calculation. Setting this variable will copy the coefficient matrix from `guess_wfn` as the initial SCF guess. Setting this variable will ignore the psi4 guess setting. If you use this variable, make sure you are passing a reasonable guess wfn to the function. This function does not validate the input `guess_wfn`. occ : dict, default={} A dictionary that specifies the customized occupation number. The occupation is obtained based on the aufbau occupation number of the current molecule to give the final set of occupation numbers for the SCF calculation. The structure of the `occ` is: >>> { ... # for alpha spin ... "alpha": { ... 0: 0.5, # the 1st orbital (0-based) ... 'homo': 0.6, # HOMO ... 'lumo': 0.7, # LUMO ... }, ... # for beta spin ... "beta": { ... 2: 0.5, # the 3rd orbital (0-based) ... }, ... } All the integer index for orbitals is 0-based. The str index for orbitals should be {'homo', 'lumo'}, and are case-insensitive. All the occupation numbers should be in range of [0, 1]. verbose : int, default to 1 Print level to the psi4 output file. - 0 means print nothing. - 1 means normal print level. - A larger number means more details. orbital_energy_unit : {'eV', 'au'}, default='eV' The units of orbital energies used to print in the output. - 'au': atomic unit, hartree. - 'eV': electronvolt. Returns ------- wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF The SCF wavefunction. - Following members in the returned wfn object are updated: - `wfn.S()`: AO overlap matrix. - `wfn.H()`: Core matrix. - `wfn.Ca()`, `wfn.Cb()`: CO coefficient matrix. - `wfn.Fa()`, `wfn.Fb()`: Fock matrix. - `wfn.Da()`, `wfn.Db()`: density matrix. - `wfn.Va()`, `wfn.Vb()`: DFA (just the DFA, if it is LOSC-DFA) Vxc matrix. - `wfn.epsilon_a()`, wfn.epsilon_b()`: orbital energies. - ``: total energy. Other members are not touched. Accessing and using other members in the returned wfn may be a undefined behavior. - The input argument `occ` is added as a new attribute to the returned wfn object as `wfn.losc_data['occ'] = occ`. Notes ----- - The option settings are handeld by psi4 SCF module. - There are double memory cost for all the updated matrices/vectors in the returned wfn (such as C, D, F matrices): one is for the allocation in the python code, the other one is for the allocation in psi4.core C++ code. At return, matrices/vectors will be copied from the python side to the psi4 C++ side code. This is limited by the psi4.core interface. We have to pay the price. Examples -------- A simple example to run an SCF calculation for a system with fractional number of electrons and non-aufbau occupation. .. code-block:: python import psi4 import psi4_losc.scf # Create H2 molecule with charge=0 and mult=1. # The aufbau occupation numbers for H2 are: # alpha occ: 1, 0, 0, 0, ... # beta occ: 1, 0, 0, 0, ... H2 = psi4.geometry(''' 0 1 H 0 0 0 H 1 0 0 ''') psi4.set_options({'basis': '3-21g'}) # A customized occupation setting that gives: # alpha occ: 0.5, 0, 0, 0, ... # beta occ: 1, 0, 0, 0.7, ... customized_occ = { "alpha": {"homo": 0.5}, # update HOMO occ to be 0.5 "beta": {"3": 0.7}, # update 4-th orbital occ to be 0.7 } # Do SCF-B3LYP calculation with the customized occupation. psi4_losc.scf.scf('b3lyp', occ=customized_occ) """ wfn = _scf(name, guess_wfn=guess_wfn, occ=occ, verbose=verbose, orbital_energy_unit=orbital_energy_unit) # add new attributes wfn.losc_data = {'occ': occ.copy()} return wfn
[docs]def scf_losc(dfa_info, dfa_wfn, orbital_energy_unit='eV', verbose=1): """Perform the SCF-LOSC (frozen-LO) calculation based on a DFA wavefunction. Parameters ---------- dfa_info : py_losc.DFAInfo The information of the parent DFA, including the weights of exchanges. dfa_wfn : psi4.core.HF like psi4 object The converged wavefunction from a parent DFA. orbital_energy_unit: {'eV', 'au'}, default='eV' The units of orbital energies used to print in the output. - 'au': atomic unit, hartree. - 'eV': electronvolt. verbose: int, default=1 print level. - 0 means print nothing. - 1 means normal print level. - A larger number means more details. Returns ------- wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF The wavefunction for the SCF-LOSC calculation. - Following members in the returned wfn object are calculated: - `wfn.S()`: AO overlap matrix. - `wfn.H()`: Core matrix. - `wfn.Ca()`, `wfn.Cb()`: CO coefficient matrix. - `wfn.Fa()`, `wfn.Fb()`: Fock matrix. - `wfn.Da()`, `wfn.Db()`: density matrix. - `wfn.Va()`, `wfn.Vb()`: DFA (just the DFA, if it is LOSC-DFA) Vxc matrix. - `wfn.epsilon_a()`, wfn.epsilon_b()`: orbital energies. - ``: total energy. - Accessing and using other members in the returned wfn is a undefined behavior. See Also -------- py_losc.DFAInfo : constructor of the DFA information class. : return a DFA SCF wavefunction. only supports calculations for integer systems with aufbau occupations. scf : return a DFA SCF wavefunction. `psi4_losc.scf.scf()` supports calculations for integer/fractional systems with aufbau/non-aufbau occupations. Notes ----- - The option settings are handled by psi4 SCF module. - There are double memory cost for all the updated matrices/vectors in the returned wfn (such as C, D, F matrices): one is for the allocation in the python code, the other one is for the allocation in psi4.core C++ code. At return, matrices/vectors will be copied from the python side to the psi4 C++ side code. This is limited by the psi4 core interface. We have to pay the price. - This function supports SCF-LOSC (frozen-LO) calculations for integer/fractional systems with aufbau/non-aufbau occupations: - If you want to calculate integer system with aufbau occupations, use `` or `scf` to generate the input `dfa_wfn`. - If you want to calculate integer system with non-aufbau occupation, or fractional system with aufbau/non-aufbau occupations, use `scf` to generate the input `dfa_wfn`. Examples -------- A simple example to run an SCF-LOSC calculation for a system with fractional number of electrons and non-aufbau occupation. .. code-block:: python import psi4 import psi4_losc # for psi4_losc.B3LYP import psi4_losc.scf # Create H2 molecule with charge=0 and mult=1. H2 = psi4.geometry(''' 0 1 H 0 0 0 H 1 0 0 ''') psi4.set_options({'basis': '3-21g'}) # Specify an non-aufbau and fractional occupation. customized_occ = { "alpha": {"homo": 0.5}, # update HOMO occ to be 0.5 "beta": {"3": 0.7}, # update 4-th orbital occ to be 0.7 } # First, do SCF-B3LYP calculation with the customized occupation. # alpha occ: 0.5, 0, 0, 0, ... # beta occ: 1, 0, 0, 0.7, ... dfa_wfn = psi4_losc.scf.scf('b3lyp', occ=customized_occ) # Second, do SCF-LOSC-B3LYP calculation with the customized occupation. losc_wfn = psi4_losc.scf.scf_losc(psi4_losc.B3LYP, dfa_wfn) """ _, _, losc_data = post_scf_losc(dfa_info, dfa_wfn, verbose=verbose, orbital_energy_unit=orbital_energy_unit, return_losc_data=True) dfa_name = dfa_wfn.functional().name() occ = {} if hasattr(dfa_wfn, 'losc_data'): occ = dfa_wfn.losc_data['occ'] wfn = _scf(dfa_name, occ=occ, losc_ref_wfn=dfa_wfn, dfa_info=dfa_info, curvature=losc_data['curvature'], C_lo=losc_data['C_lo'], orbital_energy_unit=orbital_energy_unit, verbose=verbose) return wfn