Source code for psi4_losc.psi4_losc

"""Extension to enable psi4 package to support post-SCF-LOSC and SCF-LOSC
calculations for ground state integer systems.

See Also
-------- : including self-implemented SCF procedures to perform calculations of
    fractional systems with aufbau or non-aufbau configurations.

import psi4
import py_losc
import numpy as np
from psi4_losc import utils
from qcelemental import constants
from psi4_losc import options

#: `py_losc.DFAInfo` object for B3LYP functional.
B3LYP = py_losc.DFAInfo(0.8, 0.2, 'B3LYP')

#: `py_losc.DFAInfo` object for SVWN functional.
SVWN = py_losc.DFAInfo(1.0, 0, 'SVWN')

#: `py_losc.DFAInfo` object for BLYP functional.
BLYP = py_losc.DFAInfo(1.0, 0, 'BLYP')

#: `py_losc.DFAInfo` object for PBE functional.
PBE = py_losc.DFAInfo(1.0, 0, 'PBE')

#: `py_losc.DFAInfo` object for pure GGA type functional.
GGA = py_losc.DFAInfo(1.0, 0, 'Pure GGA functional')

#: `py_losc.DFAInfo` object for PBE0 functional.
PBE0 = py_losc.DFAInfo(0.75, 0.25, 'PBE0')

def _validate_dfa_wfn(dfa_wfn):
    "Validate the input dfa wavefunction for the LOSC calculation."
    # check type
    if not isinstance(dfa_wfn, psi4.core.HF):
        raise Exception('Not a psi4.core.HF object.')
    # check symmetry
    if dfa_wfn.molecule().schoenflies_symbol() != 'c1':
        raise Exception('LOSC only supports C1 symmetry')
    # check spin
    is_rks = psi4.core.get_option('SCF', 'REFERENCE') in ['RKS', 'RHF']
    is_rks_wfn = dfa_wfn.same_a_b_orbs() and dfa_wfn.same_a_b_dens()
    if is_rks != is_rks_wfn:
        raise Exception(
            'Reference in passed wfn is different to psi4 reference setting.')
    # check super functional
    supfunc = dfa_wfn.functional()
    if supfunc.is_x_lrc():
        raise Exception(
            'Current LOSC does not support range-separated exchange functional.')
    if supfunc.is_c_hybrid():
        raise Exception(
            'Sorry, LOSC does not support double hybrid functional.')
    if supfunc.is_meta():
        raise Exception('Sorry, LOSC does not support meta-GGA.')

[docs]def post_scf_losc(dfa_info, dfa_wfn, orbital_energy_unit='eV', verbose=1, return_losc_data=False, window=None): """Perform the post-SCF-LOSC calculation for the associated DFA. Parameters ---------- dfa_info : py_losc.DFAInfo The information of the parent DFA, including the weights of exchanges. dfa_wfn : psi4.core.HF The converged wavefunction from a parent DFA. orbital_energy_unit : {'eV', 'au'}, default to 'eV' The units of orbital energies used to print in the output. - 'au' : atomic unit, hartree. - 'eV' : electronvolt. verbose : int, default=1 print level. 0 means print nothing. 1 means normal print level. A larger number means more details. return_losc_data : bool, default=false. Return the data of LOSC or not. window : [float, float], optional This variable specifies the orbital energy window in eV, which is used to select ALL the COs whose energies are in this window to do the LOSC localization. If not given, the default bahavior is to use ALL the COs to do localization. Returns ------- energy : float The total energy from the post-SCF-LOSC-DFA calculation. eig : [np.array, ...] All orbital energies (same number to basis set) from post-SCF-LOSC-DFA. For RKS, `eig` only includes the alpha orbital energies. For UKS, `eig` includes both alpha and beta orbital energies in order. losc_data : dict `losc_data` will be returned, if `return_losc_data` is true. If returned, `losc_data` contains the data of LOSC calculations. See Also -------- py_losc.DFAInfo : constructor of the DFA information class. : psi4 SCF calculator, which only supports calculations for integer systems with aufbau occupations. psi4_losc.scf.scf: psi4_losc SCF calculator (self-implemented), which supports calculations for integer/fractional systems with aufbau/non-aufbau occupations. post_scf_losc psi4_losc.B3LYP, psi4_losc.GGA Notes ----- - Ideally, we would like to extract the weights of exchanges from the psi4 superfunctional objects. However, it looks like psi4 does not support this functionality very well. So we require the user take the responsibility to construct the `py_losc.DFAInfo` object manually. - This function supports post-SCF-LOSC calculations for integer/fractional systems with aufbau/non-aufbau occupations: - If you want to calculate integer system with aufbau occupations, use `` to get the input `dfa_wfn`. - If you want to calculate integer/non-aufbau system or fractional system (either aufbau or non-aufbau occupation), use `psi4_losc.scf.scf` to get the input `dfa_wfn`. """ # sanity-check of input dfa wfn. _validate_dfa_wfn(dfa_wfn) if orbital_energy_unit not in ['eV', 'au']: raise Exception( 'Invalid input for "orbital_energy_unit". Choices are ["eV", "au"].') local_print = utils.init_local_print(verbose) # print header local_print(1, "--------------------------------") local_print(1, " post-SCF-LOSC") local_print(1, " by Yuncai Mei") local_print(1, "--------------------------------") is_rks = dfa_wfn.same_a_b_orbs() and dfa_wfn.same_a_b_dens() nspin = 1 if is_rks else 2 # Need real number of electrons. Cannot rely on `wfn.nalpha()` and # `wfn.nbeta()`, because `post_scf_losc()` can support fractional systems. occ = {} if hasattr(dfa_wfn, 'losc_data'): occ = dfa_wfn.losc_data['occ'] _, _, occ_val = utils.form_occ(dfa_wfn, occ) nelec = [sum(x) for x in occ_val] # map needed matrices to DFA wfn. mintshelper = psi4.core.MintsHelper(dfa_wfn.basisset()) C_co = [np.asarray(dfa_wfn.Ca()), np.asarray(dfa_wfn.Cb())] H_ao = [np.asarray(dfa_wfn.Fa()), np.asarray(dfa_wfn.Fb())] D_ao = [np.asarray(m) for m in mintshelper.ao_dipole()] S = np.asarray(dfa_wfn.S()) D = [np.asarray(dfa_wfn.Da()), np.asarray(dfa_wfn.Db())] # ====> !!! Start of LOSC !!! <==== # Print all losc settings. local_print(1, f'{options}') # ==> LOSC localization <== def select_CO(wfn, spin, window): """Return the CO index bounds.""" eig = [np.asarray(wfn.epsilon_a()), np.asarray(wfn.epsilon_b())][spin] nbf = wfn.basisset().nbf() # return all COs. if not window or nelec[spin] == 0: return None # select COs if len(window) != 2: raise Exception('Invalid LOSC window: wrong size of window.') if window[0] >= window[1]: raise ValueError('Invalid LOS window: left bound >= right bound.') idx_start = next(filter( lambda x: x[1] * constants.hartree2ev >= window[0], enumerate(eig)), [nbf])[0] idx_end = next(filter( lambda x: x[1] * constants.hartree2ev >= window[1], enumerate(eig)), [nbf])[0] if idx_end - idx_start <= 0: raise Exception( 'LOSC window is too tight. No COs selected to do LOSC localization.') return (idx_start, idx_end) # Get selected COs index from the window setting. local_print(1, '\n==> LOSC Localization Window <==') selected_co_idx = [None] * nspin for s in range(nspin): idx = select_CO(dfa_wfn, s, window) if not idx: local_print(1, f'localization COs index (spin={s}): ALL COs') else: local_print( 1, f'localization COs index (spin={s}): [{idx[0]}, {idx[1]})') selected_co_idx[s] = idx local_print(1, '') C_lo = [None] * nspin U = [None] * nspin for s in range(nspin): # Get selected COs. if selected_co_idx[s]: idx_start, idx_end = selected_co_idx[s] C_co_used = C_co[s][:, list(range(idx_start, idx_end))] else: C_co_used = C_co[s] # create losc localizer object localizer_version = options.get_param('localizer', 'version') if localizer_version == 2: localizer = py_losc.LocalizerV2(C_co_used, H_ao[s], D_ao) localizer.set_c(options.get_param('localizer', 'v2_parameter_c')) localizer.set_gamma(options.get_param('localizer', 'v2_parameter_gamma')) else: raise Exception(f'Detect non-supporting localization version: version={localizer_version}.') localizer.set_max_iter(options.get_param('localizer', 'max_iter')) localizer.set_convergence(options.get_param('localizer', 'convergence')) localizer.set_random_permutation(options.get_param('localizer', 'random_permutation')) # compute LOs C_lo[s], U[s] = localizer.lo_U() # print localization status local_print(1, '') local_print(1, f' ==> Localization status for spin: {s} <==') local_print(1, f' iteration steps: {localizer.steps()}') local_print(1, f' cost function value: {localizer.cost_func(C_lo[s])}') local_print(1, f' convergence: {"True" if localizer.is_converged() else "False, Warning!!!"}') local_print(1, '') # ==> LOSC curvature matrix <== # build matrices related to density fitting df_pii, df_Vpq_inv = utils.form_df_matrix(dfa_wfn, C_lo) # build weights of grid points grid_w = utils.form_grid_w(dfa_wfn) # build values of LOs on grid points grid_lo = [utils.form_grid_lo(dfa_wfn, C_lo_) for C_lo_ in C_lo] # build LOSC curvature matrices curvature = [None] * nspin for s in range(nspin): # build losc curvature matrix curvature_version = options.get_param('curvature', 'version') if curvature_version == 2: curvature_helper = py_losc.CurvatureV2(dfa_info, df_pii[s], df_Vpq_inv, grid_lo[s], grid_w) curvature_helper.set_tau(options.get_param('curvature', 'v2_parameter_tau')) curvature_helper.set_zeta(options.get_param('curvature', 'v2_parameter_zeta')) elif curvature == 1: curvature_helper = py_losc.CurvatureV1(dfa_info, df_pii[s], df_Vpq_inv, grid_lo[s], grid_w) curvature_helper.set_tau(options.get_param('curvature', 'v1_parameter_tau')) else: raise Exception(f'Detect un-supported curvature version: version={curvature_version}') # TODO: add curvature setting options. curvature[s] = curvature_helper.kappa() # ==> LOSC local occupation matrix <== local_occ = [None] * nspin for s in range(nspin): # build losc local occupation matrix local_occ[s] = py_losc.local_occupation(C_lo[s], S, D[s]) # ==> print matrix into psi4 output file <== if verbose >= 2: local_print(2, '\n==> Details of Matrices in LOSC <==') for s in range(nspin): local_print(2, f'\nCO coefficient matrix.T: spin={s}') utils.print_full_matrix(C_co[s].T) for s in range(nspin): local_print(2, f'\nLO coefficient matrix.T: spin={s}') utils.print_full_matrix(C_lo[s].T) for s in range(nspin): local_print(2, f'\nLO U matrix: spin={s}') utils.print_full_matrix(U[s]) for s in range(nspin): local_print(2, f'\nCurvature: spin={s}') utils.print_sym_matrix(curvature[s]) for s in range(nspin): local_print(2, f'\nLocal Occupation matrix: spin={s}') utils.print_sym_matrix(local_occ[s]) # ==> LOSC corrections <== H_losc = [None] * nspin E_losc = [None] * nspin losc_eigs = [None] * nspin eig_factor = 1.0 if orbital_energy_unit == 'au' else constants.hartree2ev for s in range(nspin): # build losc effective Hamiltonian matrix H_losc[s] = py_losc.ao_hamiltonian_correction( S, C_lo[s], curvature[s], local_occ[s]) # calculate losc energy correction E_losc[s] = py_losc.energy_correction(curvature[s], local_occ[s]) # calculate corrected orbital energy from LOSC. losc_eigs[s] = np.array(py_losc.orbital_energy_post_scf( H_ao[s], H_losc[s], C_co[s])) * eig_factor E_losc_tot = 2 * E_losc[0] if is_rks else sum(E_losc) E_losc_dfa_tot = + E_losc_tot # ====> !!! End of LOSC !!! <==== # ==> pack LOSC data into dict <== dfa_eigs = [np.asarray(dfa_wfn.epsilon_a()) * eig_factor, np.asarray(dfa_wfn.epsilon_b()) * eig_factor] occ = {} if hasattr(dfa_wfn, 'losc_data'): occ = dfa_wfn.losc_data.get('occ', {}) losc_data = {} losc_data['occ'] = occ losc_data['losc_type'] = 'post-SCF-LOSC' losc_data['orbital_energy_unit'] = orbital_energy_unit losc_data['nspin'] = nspin losc_data['curvature'] = curvature losc_data['C_lo'] = C_lo losc_data['dfa_energy'] = losc_data['dfa_orbital_energy'] = dfa_eigs losc_data['losc_energy'] = E_losc_tot losc_data['losc_dfa_energy'] = E_losc_tot + losc_data['losc_dfa_orbital_energy'] = losc_eigs # ==> Print energies to output <== utils.print_total_energies(1, losc_data) utils.print_orbital_energies(1, dfa_wfn, losc_data, window=window) if return_losc_data: return E_losc_dfa_tot, losc_eigs, losc_data else: return E_losc_dfa_tot, losc_eigs
[docs]def scf_losc(dfa_info, dfa_wfn, orbital_energy_unit='eV', verbose=1, window=None): """Perform the SCF-LOSC (frozen-LO) calculation based on a DFA wavefunction. This function use `` to do the SCF procedure. This function only supports calculations for integer systems. Parameters ---------- dfa_info : py_losc.DFAInfo The information of the parent DFA, including the weights of exchanges. dfa_wfn : psi4.core.HF The converged wavefunction from a parent DFA. orbital_energy_unit : {'eV', 'au'}, default='eV' The units of orbital energies used to print in the output. - 'au': atomic unit, hartree. - 'eV': electronvolt. verbose : int, default=1 The print level to control `post_scf_losc` and ``. window : [float, float], optional The orbital energy window in eV to select COs to do localization. See `post_scf_losc`. Returns ------- wfn : psi4.core.RHF or psi4.core.UHF The psi4 wavefunction object that has LOSC contribution included. See Also -------- post_scf_losc Notes ----- - The `` function is used internally to drive the SCF procedure. So, ideally, this function supports all the types of SCF calculations that are supported by psi4, such as integer/aufbau systems, MOM calculations. However, these are not fully tested. But for normal SCF, meaning integer and aufbau system, this function works fine. - SCF-LOSC requires to use the DFA wfn as the initial guess. The psi4 guess setting for SCF will be ignored. To use DFA wfn as the initial guess, currently it is limited by `` interface in which directly passing the wfn as an argument is rejected. So, the only choice is to write the DFA wfn into scratch file, then let psi4 use `guess read` option to set up the initial guess. So, calling this function will generate a psi4 wavefunction scratch file! You need to take care of it at the exit. - This function only supports calculations for ground state integer systems. """ # sanity-check of input dfa wfn. _validate_dfa_wfn(dfa_wfn) if orbital_energy_unit not in ['eV', 'au']: raise Exception( 'Invalid input for "orbital_energy_unit". Choices are ["eV", "au"].') # Check if the user tries to customize the occupation number. if hasattr(dfa_wfn, 'losc_data'): if 'occ' in dfa_wfn.losc_data: raise Exception('Customizing occupation number is allowed.') local_print = utils.init_local_print(verbose) # Do post-SCF-LOSC to build curvature and LO. _, _, losc_data = post_scf_losc(dfa_info, dfa_wfn, verbose=verbose, return_losc_data=True, orbital_energy_unit=orbital_energy_unit, window=window) # Do SCF-LOSC. # Trying to use ref_wfn keyword in will cause # an error. This issue may be solved in later version of psi4. Currently, # the way to let psi4 use a ref_wfn as initial guess is to save the wfn # into a file then use psi4 `guess read` option. optstash = psi4.driver.p4util.OptionsState( ['SCF', 'GUESS'], ['SCF', 'PRINT']) # update local settings. psi4.core.set_local_option('SCF', 'GUESS', 'READ') psi4.core.set_local_option('SCF', 'PRINT', verbose) # No idea what does 180 mean. Anyways, this is the just the scratch file # naming conversion in psi4. The wfn file is binary in which the wfn # data is represented as python dict and saved by calling ``. # Calling `wfn.get_scratch_filename()` may not return the full file name # with an suffix of `.npy`. So we need to manually check it. Again, this # is just the convension in psi4. ref_wfn_file = dfa_wfn.get_scratch_filename(180) if not ref_wfn_file.endswith('.npy'): ref_wfn_file += '.npy' dfa_wfn.to_file(ref_wfn_file) local_print( 1, '\nNotice: psi4 guess setting is ignored for the SCF-LOSC calculation.') local_print( 1, 'The wfn from the associated DFA is ALWAYS used as the initial guess.') local_print(1, f'File of DFA wfn: {ref_wfn_file}') local_print(1, '') dfa_name = dfa_wfn.functional().name() _, wfn =, losc_data=losc_data, return_wfn=True) eig_factor = 1.0 if orbital_energy_unit == 'au' else constants.hartree2ev losc_data['losc_type'] = 'SCF-LOSC' losc_data['dfa_energy'] = - wfn.get_energies('LOSC energy') losc_data['losc_energy'] = wfn.get_energies('LOSC energy') losc_data['losc_dfa_energy'] = losc_data['losc_dfa_orbital_energy'] = [np.asarray(wfn.epsilon_a()) * eig_factor, np.asarray(wfn.epsilon_b()) * eig_factor] # ==> Print energies in LOSC style <== utils.print_total_energies(verbose, losc_data) utils.print_orbital_energies(verbose, wfn, losc_data) # Remove dynamical attributes created for LOSC. if hasattr(wfn, 'losc_data'): delattr(wfn, 'losc_data') optstash.restore() return wfn