============ Introduction ============ ------------------------ What is the LOSC method? ------------------------ The localized orbital scaling correction (LOSC) is a newly developed method in density functional theory (DFT) to eliminate the delocalization error (DE) of many conventional density functional approximations (DFAs). Bascally, the LOSC method involves a set of localized orbitals (LOs) to construct the local occupation number, the LOSC curvature matrix and the LOSC corrections. The references of LOSC that describes the detailed methodology are listed :ref:`here `. ----------------------------- What is the LOSC library for? ----------------------------- The LOSC library is developed for two goals: - It provides sub-libraries with compatible interfaces to several popular programming languages in quantum chemistry, including :ref:`C `, :ref:`C++ ` and :ref:`Python `, for the developers who would be interested to implement LOSC method in their favorite quantum chemistry packages. These sub-libraries provide the functionalities to perform the essential calculations of the LOSC method, such as constructing the LOs, LOSC curvature matrix, and LOSC corrections. - It provides the implementation of LOSC method in an open-source quantum chemistry package, `psi4 `_, with the Python interface. If you are a user of pis4, you can directly use this library with psi4 to perform LOSC calculations. See :ref:`this section `. ------------------ References of LOSC ------------------ .. [#losc1] Li, C.; Zheng, X.; Su, N. Q.; Yang, W. Localized Orbital Scaling Correction for System- atic Elimination of Delocalization Error in Density Functional Approximations. `Natl. Sci. Rev. 2018, 5, 203−215. 203-215. `_ .. [#losc2] Su, N. Q.; Mahler, A.; Yang, W. Preserving Symmetry and Degeneracy in the Localized Orbital Scaling Correction Approach. J. `Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 1528−1535. `_ .. [#scf-losc] Mei, Y.; Chen, Z.; Yang, W. Self-Consistent Calculation of the Localized Orbital Scaling Correction for Correct Electron Densities and Energy-Level Alignments in Density Functional Theory. `J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 23, 10269–10277. `_